Author: Coast Times Digital

Coast Times Digital is a news hub that bring to you information across the Coastal region and beyond in a manner that is guided by the editorial rules and laws.

By Reporter Two-A two-and-a-half-year old infant in Kilifi County urgently requires Sh10 million to undergo a special radiothehrapy at the Apollo Cancer Centre in India to treat a recurrent cancerous brain tumor. Janelle Marsai suffers from a high risk large cell anaplastic variant medulablastoma and needs to undergo proton beam radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy, procedures that are not available in Africa. Janelle has already undergone two surgeries (craniotomy) at the Kenyatta National Hospital where she also underwent six cycles of chemotherapy and doctors opine that she should be subjected to the proton beam radiation therapy within one month after the…

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By Caroline Katana Without the work of independent journalists providing audiences with reliable information, who would report on issues of public interest, denounce wrongdoings, social inequalities, and unpunished crimes? Protecting journalists and independent journalism is not only a concern for journalists but a concern for all. Journalism makes an impact on people’s lives, It is key in advancing human rights and has a basic function to hold the powerful accountable. The information that journalists provide is a public good that needs public support. Every year universities and colleges enroll thousands of students studying mass communication but do they know exactly…

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By Reporter A section of Kwale youth are pushing for the allocation of funds to effectively implement the county Sexual Gender Based Violence Preventive Protection Act, 2023. According to them, despite the Act being passed last year, it has not yet been implemented. The cases of teen pregnancies and GBVs are also on the rise. According to the KDHS Report 2022, Kwale County has a 15% teenage pregnancy rate, which means that approximately two out of every ten girls will become pregnant before the age of 18. The group led by the Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) project officer Stephen Kibindio…

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By Caroline Katana Competition over land ownership can be found in almost every African country, where power, wealth, and survival are measured by ownership and control of land as a vital resource for sustenance. Conflict between locals and foreign pastoralists over land ownership has been a contentious and perennial problem in Kinango sub-county, Kwale County, making legal protection against conflict over land ownership imperative. Land ownership is often the primary cause of conflict given that the survival of most Duruma community members depends on land and struggles for its control involve everyone in the society. Bearing in mind the socio-economic…

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By Reporter The long thirst for water is set to be over following the launch of the sh78 million multipurpose dam at Umoja village in Lunga-Lunga sub-county, Kwale County. The dam whose construction was launched on Thursday by Governor Fatuma Achani is expected to produce 230 million cubic meters of water to end water woes in the area. The multipurpose dam will serve over 2000 households with clean drinking water for domestic and agricultural use from around 15 villages. Some of the villages include Umoja A, B, C, Makamini B, Makamini Centre, Kamunyun, Mzuri B, C, Kivani, Maendeleo, Mgamani A,…

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By Alloys Musyoka United Democratic Alliance party elections in Kwale are set for June 22 this year as mobilization remains on top gear for different camps. Kwale Matatu Association chairperson and Chamber of Commerce director Joseph Mutunga and Msambweni MP Feisal Badar are rumored to be among contestants. Coast Times Digital has established that the two camps are mobilizing for voters from the grass roots for the election that will start from the polling stations. The county party leadership positions are vital in decision making on matters elections for every party hence the reason politicians have gone bare knuckles for…

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By Reporter As pressure mounts on the coastal counties to ban the use of Muguka, Kwale County Governor Fatuma Achani has taken different measures to regulate its consumption. Her decision comes after Mombasa and Kilifi counties banned the Muguka due to health risks among its users, who are mostly young people. Achani said her administration won’t ban the moguka but highly condemns its use. The governor said she is betting on the county finance bill 2024/2025 to firmly regulate the consumption of Mugoka. “As county government we are not encouraging nor condoning the use of Muguka because of known health…

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Kwale county government will not ban Muguka and Miraa business like other counties of Mombasa ,Taita Taveta and Kilifi. Governor Fatuma Achani said that there is no law currently nationally that prohibits selling and consumption of the products. She said the county instead is putting in place mechanism through finance act 2024-2025 that is meant to regulate the business. There has been calls from different quotas to have the business banned in Kwale like other counties. Already implementing of the ban in other counties is taking place with Kwale remaining the entry of Miraa and Muguka to Mombasa and Kilifi.…

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By Caroline Katana Paralegals play a critical role in providing legal support and ensuring access to justice for the community due to the challenges in accessing justice across the communities. Paralegals can be a powerful tool of justice, helping to resolve disputes and empower individual clients and whole communities, living and working in the communities they serve. The greatest misconception concerning access to justice is the perception that every problem requires a lawyer to solve it. Some factors that inhibit access to justice include poverty, illiteracy, the bureaucratic nature of legal systems, and delays in the administration of justice. A…

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By Reporter Local football club managers in Kwale County have urged the county and national governments to invest in football infrastructure and facilities to boost grassroots and national sports growth. The coaches decried that a lot of young talented people go to waste for lacking proper structure and facilities to nurture and exploit their talents. Raswa Abdallah, coach of the Atletico Soccer Academy-Ukunda, said that the government must establish structured development pathways to maximize the potential of talented individuals. “Talent exists in Kenya, but we need to put in place the appropriate structures and facilities to develop these talents,” he…

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