Author: Coast Times Digital

Coast Times Digital is a news hub that bring to you information across the Coastal region and beyond in a manner that is guided by the editorial rules and laws.

By Reporter The Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers have called on the national government to increase salaries for its members and improve their working conditions. Secretary General of KUSNET James Torome said that the special needs teachers are in need of Sh. 5 billion to achieve the education goals of special needs learners in the country. Speaking in Kilifi town when meeting union members from the region Torome said that the department is currently understaffed. He said that  is need to employ an extra 5,000 teachers on top of the current 7,600 to handle special need learners across…

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By Reporter At least five Kwale youth and women-led NGOs have received funding to advocate for the rights of women and girls, peace, and security in the region. The funds are given under the second phase of the Participatory Grants Making program (PGM). The grants are expected to capacity building the local NGOs to enhance peace initiatives and interreligious dialogues with youth and local communities to curb the vices and improve the lives of the targeted group and that of the surrounding society. The program is under the Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) which is implemented by the…

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By Correspondent There was drama at Tarasaa area in Tana Delta Sub County, Tana River County when a drunkard man tried to disrupt the groundbreaking for the construction of a police station in the area. County Commissioner David Koskei accompanied by the County Police Commander Ali Ndiema and Garsen MP Ali Wario had just laid the foundation stone at 10: 00 am on Friday morning when Mr Gideon Koroso started shouting from the nearby thicket disowning the police proposed Tarasaa police station. The team later proceeded to Oda area which is six kilometers away for the ground breaking of…

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By Caroline Katana  For more than 100 million years sea turtles have covered vast distances across the world’s oceans, filling a vital role in the balance of marine habitats. Seven different species of sea turtles grace the ocean waters, from the shallow seagrass beds of the Indian Ocean to the colorful reefs of the Coral Triangle and the sandy beaches of the Eastern Pacific. While these highly migratory species periodically come to the shore to either bask or nest, sea turtles spend the bulk of their lives in the ocean. Over the last 200 years, human activities have tipped the…

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By Reporter A sigh of relief for Kwale farmers as the national government distributes two mobile grain dryers to reduce post-harvest losses, and improve food security and livelihoods. The farmers also received subsidized certified maize and sunflower seeds and fertilizers. The distribution was flagged off by the Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi, Agriculture PS Kiprono Rono and Kwale governor Fatuma Achani. Linturi said the subsidized seeds, fertilizers and grain dryers will help farmers to produce and store more food to fight hunger and poverty. “Farmers always incur losses occasioned by poor storage, inadequate drying facilities, and poor weather conditions,” he said.…

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By Reprter Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani has called on the national government to return all the national reserves and tourism attraction sites to the management of the county governments. According to Achani, Kwale County has several natural and heritage resources that do not benefit the locals. “We have so many resources but the profits don’t reach us. The shares are equally distributed to other Kenyans,” he said. The governor said she wants her administration to be allowed to collect revenue at the Shimba Hills National Reserve and Kisite Mpunguti Marine National Reserve. She said the county has great potential to…

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By Reporter The forced changes in mandatory deduction of Housing Levy, Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), and National Social Security Fund (NSSF), have affected the operations of Saccos, stakeholders have revealed. Tabasamu Sacco Board chairperson Felister Mutisya said the increased deductions have interfered with members’ contributions and loan repayment since their salaries are chocked. Mutisya said the situation has resulted in loan repayment defaults and the inability of members to grow their savings thus jeopardizing the future of Saccos. “The introduction of mandatory housing levy, enhanced NHIF, NSSF deductions and deteriorating Kenyan shilling have seen our members’ income being affected…

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By Reporter The Ethics and Anti-corruption commission on Monday arrested five family members including the Kwale county head of Treasury Vincent Mbito over graft cases amounting to Sh44.9 million. Mbito was arrested alongside his brothers Mongo Mbito Mongo-county revenue officer, Hassan Shilingi Mbito-Kwale water and sewerage limited company driver, Mwaiwe Mongo Mbito- County procurement officer and Chindoro Mongo Mbito- ministry of health department of public health and professional standards. They are suspected to have participated in perpetuating the Sh44.9 million graft with some of the suspects being directors and owners of the family company involved. Information from the EACC indicates…

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By Reporter The national chairperson of the Kenya Muslim National Advisory Council (Kemnac) Sheikh Juma Ngao, has declared interest in Kwale County ODM party elections, scheduled for April. Ngao wants to unseat former Matuga MP Hassan Mwanyoha from the chairperson position. Ngao, who hails from Kinango county, but has spent most of his time in Mombasa, said he also understands Kwale politics. In an interview in Ukunda, Ngao said working outside his home county doesn’t make him a stranger and will always be a Kwale citizen. “My entire family comes from Kinango, I am also a Kwale voter and working…

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By Correspondent Kilifi County Government through the Department of Agriculture and Crops has encouraged farmers to venture into agribusiness as a way to generate income and better their living standards. Speaking during farmers’ field day in Kaloleni, Kilifi Agriculture and Crops Chief Officer Teddy Yawa stated that the department want farmers to understand the opportunities that farming provides for one to earn a decent living. “Farming can be both a direct and indirect source of income. Direct through selling of farm produce in the market and indirectly when the farm produce is used as raw products in industries that have…

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