Author: Coast Times Digital

Coast Times Digital is a news hub that bring to you information across the Coastal region and beyond in a manner that is guided by the editorial rules and laws.

By Mwanasiti Salim and Hellen Awinos The Kenya Marine and Fisheries Institute (KMFRI) in collaboration with the Kenya industrial research and development institute (KIRDI) has launched the SolCoolDry project to help to reduce food spoilage among farmers in the south Coast Region. Solar attracts a lot of heat, about fifty degrees which is favorable for preservation. Fishermen along the Coastal region will now have no reasons to watch as their daily catch go to waste due to lack of storage since post-harvest loss will be a thing of the past. The temperature helps in killing bacteria that might affect the…

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About forty three conservation groups have benefited from Sh109 millions grants for community projects in the area. The project is funded through the State Department for Blue Economy and Fisheries, through the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-economic Development (KEMFSED) project. The project duration that would be implemented concurrently in the coastal counties of Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Lamu and Tana River is 2020-2025 with funding worth Sh10 billion to strengthen coastal resilience. The 43 marine conservation groups will benefit from the first round of the blue economy funding launched  by Governor Fatuma Achani. She said the grants will have wide-reaching benefits…

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Former vice president and Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has sensationally claimed that the current economic downfall is due to rampant corruption within the government. Kalonzo said Kenyans were undergoing dire harsh lifestyle due to negligence by the current president William Ruto administration whose main objective was to loot everything in the government coffers. He urged Kenyans to raise up and resist the kind of regime that was out to draw them in everlasting poverty. He made the remarks at Komarock shrine, a Catholic Pilgrim centre where prayers are done annually in Matungulu, Machakos county . Kalonzo urged the church in…

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Johnson Chengo Hundreds of residents from Mitangani location in Ganze Constituency have benefited from huduma Kenya mobile outreach programme dubbed huduma mashinani, designed to bring government services closer to the people. The Caravan of the programme initiated is to give residents access to government services at their convenience by extending services from the currently physical location to the grassroot. The initiative was organised by the area Member of Parliament Kenneth Kazungu in-partnerships with Kilifi County Huduma Center officials. The programme has come as a relief to many students and elderly people who turned up in large numbers for the exercise.…

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By GPS The county government of Kwale through the Department of Social Services and Talent Management SSTM has set plans of empowering women and youth groups. Among the plans set is training to empower the groups with skills and also help them to register into companies. Speaking at Makongeni in Kinondo ward Msambweni sub-county County Executive Member for Social Services and Talent Management Francisca Kilonzo said the department is working in collaboration with Trade and Finance departments to conduct a training that will finally enable the groups to get registered into companies. ‘‘As a department we have the mandate to…

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Lamu Museum has officially opened its doors to tourists, academics and researchers after undergoing restoration and an exhibition facelift that was funded by the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman. The museum which was officially opened by Cabinet Secretary for Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Penina Malonza, hosts the largest and most authentic Swahili ethnographic and archeological artifacts collections that will illuminate different facets of Swahili cultural heritage and various collections of artefacts such as; traditional clothing, jewelry, furniture, musical instruments, maritime and dhow materials, archaeological finds, among a wide array of household and technical tools and implements. Lamu Deputy Governor…

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By Mwanasiti Salim At least twenty nine students from Msambweni and LungaLunga constituencies have benefitted from the national government Elimu Fund Scholarship program. The program is sponsored by the national government in collaboration with Equity Bank only targeting students who performed well in their KCPE exam. The program aims at providing financial assistance to students who are unable to pay for their high school fees and other expenses. Msambweni MP Feisal Bader who attended emphasized the importance of the program to the area saying that funds allocated to NG-CDF are not enough to cater for all education needs.  “The funds…

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Plans to prevent, minimize and remedy civilian harm in operation zones in Lamu County are underway according to the Center for Civilians in Conflict. The delegation from Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) officials made the remarks when they paid a courtesy call to Lamu Governor Issa Timamy in his Mokowe office, to discuss areas of possible collaboration between civilians and military personnel. Timamy recognized the role played by CIVIC in bringing together civilians and armed actors with an aim of improving the protection of civilians. “Lamu County remains committed to supporting CIVIC and any other player towards ensuring locals…

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Three students from Lamu County who excelled in 2022 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examinations were airlifted from Manda Airport after receiving a fully funded scholarship by KDF in collaboration with local administration. The three are Nathaniel Chanzera,17 years, Ryan Karisa, 16  years and Ali Mohamed, 15 years The students joining Moi Forces Academy (MFA) were seen off by Commander Operation Amani Boni (OAB) Col. Joel Tanui and Lamu West constituency manager Mr. Jeremiah Murimi. Addressing the students before taking off, Col. Tanui congratulated them for their outstanding performance, urged the students to continue working hard to elevate their families…

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Diani Tourists town which is the economic hub for Kwale County is facing a challenge of insecurity not only at night but also during the day. It is now clear that anyone with a master key can get into your shop, open it and walk out carrying all your stuff and go away without being traced. This is after a robbery case in which photography equipment worth half a million were stolen by a man who was captured on CCTV footage, police are yet to identify the person a week after the incident. Police are investigating the incident after receiving…

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