By Nuru Salim
A morning commuter rush at the Likoni Ferry crossing turned chaotic after security personnel were overwhelmed by pedestrians forcing their way past the waiting bay gates.
The tension erupted when a man jumped over the gate in a desperate attempt to board the ferry before it was officially opened. As security officers moved to apprehend him, another pedestrian attempted the same, further fueling the disorder.
A senior security officer, witnessing the defiance resorted to using force, pulling out his security rod and caning the second pedestrian as punishment for breaking the rules.
This action angered the waiting passengers, who confronted the officer, demanding explanations for the harsh treatment. As emotions flared, the crowd overpowered security officers, broke through the gates, and stormed towards the ferry.
The disorder forced motorists waiting to board to reverse and leave for safety. In the heat of the moment, furious pedestrians hurled stones intended for constructing a new ferry ramp, escalating the situation further.
With the ferry unable to manage the uncontrolled crowd, operations were disrupted. Several pedestrians and security officers sustained injuries in the chaos.