By Alloys Musyoka

United Democratic Alliance party elections in Kwale are set for June 22 this year as mobilization remains on top gear for different camps.

Kwale Matatu Association chairperson and Chamber of Commerce director Joseph Mutunga and Msambweni MP Feisal Badar are rumored to be among contestants.

Coast Times Digital has established that the two camps are mobilizing for voters from the grass roots for the election that will start from the polling stations.

The county party leadership positions are vital in decision making on matters elections for every party hence the reason politicians have gone bare knuckles for it.

Joseph Mutunga said he is ready to steer the UDA party to another level in the region that saw governor Fatuma Achani win in 2022.

Alread he said popularization of the party from village level is going on to ensure they get more support of 2027 than 2022.

Effort to reach out to MP Feisal did not yield fruits before going to publication.

The party coordinator in the area Maurice Mbetsa could not confirm or refute the candidature of the two but noted that plans for the elections are going on with grass roots registrations.

Asked why the county governor Fatuma Achani has not shown interest for the chair post, he said “these positions are supposed to be left to the able youths who are not holding positions anywhere instead of politicians who are already leaders in their areas”.

Nominated senator Rafael Chimera said that he had no information of who has interest for the county UDA positions adding that by the end of May it will be clear who is vying.

Maurice Mbetsa noted that the election preparations across the country are going on well with online registration.

“So far registration is going on from the grass roots. Aspirants are registering and they will be voted from the polling stations,” he told Coast Times Digital.

Positions that will be contested for include religious representatives, farmers, traders, youth, special interests groups and professionals at the polling station level.

At the ward level, county assembly members are allowed to participate in elections while members of parliament are allowed to participate at the sub-county level.

“At the polling station level it is only UDA registered voters who will participate in the election. Those elected will proceed to ward level, sub-county and then final the county level,” he added.

He said that Kwale UDA politics are going on silently because of political maturity.

“The delegates from each sub-county will elect their leaders at the county level who will then proceed to the national level elections,” he said.

Mbetsa urged elected leaders who are planning to contest for county party leadership positions to let youths lead since they are already in leadership.

“They can allow the positions to youths who are capable to take over instead of competing with locals while they are already in leadership,” he urged.


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