By Anthony Zoka
Kaloleni law maker, Paul Katana has sounded a warning to a section of officials working in the registrar of persons for abuse of office.
Addressing leaders and residents at Kizurini, Katana threatened to take action if the said officials will continue subjecting residents seeking birth certificates to unnecessary expenditures from the regular fees required.
“ My plea to our deputy county commissioner, please talk to these people in the registrar of persons, they are public officers and should serve my people in accordance with the law.” Adviced Katana.
He maintained the need to have officials respect their clients who are going through harsh economic times in trying to get birth certificates and national identity cards in the area.
According to the Mp, locals seeking services at the registry office are not happy with the services calling for all government officers to work for the community.
Katana led other leaders in laying a foundation stone for the construction of a Huduma Center at Kizurini at a cost of 23 million which he said once the facility is completed locals will have access to government services without traveling to Kilifi or Mombasa.
He assured residents of leaders’ commitments in fostering development not only in Kaloleni but Kilifi and Kenya at large.
“We recently witnessed an agreement between ODM leader Raila Odinga and President William Ruto, this was meant to foster development across the country, we need to embrace each other to change our community for better.” Noted Katana
The legislature called on aspiring politicians to shelve their political energy and join hands with elected leaders to transform the community through development projects rather than politicizing every event.
Similar sentiments were shared by Kilifi County Women representative in the national assembly, Getrude Mbeyu, who called on the need to have more Huduma Centers in all the sub counties within Kilifi County.
“it’s time we work together as leaders for the benefit of our community, infighting among ourselves will be a disadvantage to us. We appreciate having such occasions seeing the commissioning of Huduma Center in Kaloleni, however we need to have about 8 within Kilifi, this cannot happen if we will be working separately.” Adviced Mbeyu.
However, Kilifi County deputy governor, Flora Mbetsa Chibule called on Kilifi leaders to join hands in making Kilifi a better County.
According to Chibule, their administration is determined to bring positive change to have Kilifi people enjoy the fruits of devolution.
“Kenya is bigger than any other leader; That’s why we saw our leaders at the top agreeing to work together, who are we to bring divisions? We need to have leaders from both arms of government work together to foster service delivery to our people. What we are witnessing here is a good reflection for unity of purpose.” Noted Chibule.
Huduma Kenya Chief Executive Officer, Ben Kai however assured Kaloleni and Kenyan residents of government commitment in ensuring access to government services near their homes through construction of Huduma centers in all the constituencies.
Kai urged the contractor to work within the prescribed timeline to have the structure ready within the shortest time possible.
“According to the contract we have 8 months to complete this project but it can be done within a shorter period so that we focus on equipping the structure and offer services to Kaloleni residents.” Said Kai.
At the same time the CEO warned Kenyans against seeing services at Huduma Centers using brokers who admitted have been stealing from innocent Kenyans seeking services.
“All Huduma Centers employees are branded and there is a procedure that is used for payments, no one should give out cash to anyone found ununiformed purporting to have connections for you to get services easily.”
Kai called on the office of the county commissioner in Kaloleni and relevant stakeholders to ensure the project is implemented as per the required specification and standards.