By Reporter

As pressure mounts on the coastal counties to ban the use of Muguka, Kwale County Governor Fatuma Achani has taken different measures to regulate its consumption.

Her decision comes after Mombasa and Kilifi counties banned the Muguka due to health risks among its users, who are mostly young people.

Achani said her administration won’t ban the moguka but highly condemns its use.

The governor said she is betting on the county finance bill 2024/2025 to firmly regulate the consumption of Mugoka.

“As county government we are not encouraging nor condoning the use of Muguka because of known health challenges and leaders have agreed to put regulations on its use through a legal framework,” she said.

Achani said the bill is now in the county assembly and is yet to be approved.

She said that the bill reflects people’s opinions as well as appropriate Muguka regulation measures.

Achani stated that extensive public participation exercises were conducted throughout the county to gather residents’ opinions on Muguka.

The governor said that once the bill is passed, the county will fully implement the act to protect Kwale residents from the effects of the drug.

Achani said Kwale stands firmly in the fight against drugs and substance abuse, and Muguka is not an exception.

She said that the county will use legal means to combat the drug and mitigate its effects on Kwale residents.

The county boss said her administration will work closely with other partners to effectively regulate muguka.

She, however, warned the locals against being excited that Kwale has not yet banned the drug.

Achani urged Muguka users to be health-conscious and avoid consuming products that destroy their lives.

“I want to caution everybody, including parents and youth, to put your health first and exercise caution against any form of drugs,” she said.

Achani urged people to consider the consequences and the dangers of the drug.

The governor added that the drug war is a shared responsibility that leaders should not bear alone.

“It is our responsibility as Kwale people to look into how we can protect ourselves from drugs,” she said.

On Monday, President William Ruto declared the Muguka ban in Mombasa and Kilifi counties null and void, citing the crop’s constitutional declaration as a cash crop.


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